
I’ve worked with hundreds of women experiencing menopausal symptoms over the past 10+ years. My specialist menopause clinic combines nutrition and lifestyle changes that help to reduce common menopause symptoms. These include sleep problems, mood changes, hot flushes, weight gain and anxiety. I am very much a complementary practitioner and often work with women on HRT too. In 2018 I started running menopause day retreats and I have recently written a book on the called The Natural Menopause Method: a nutritonal guide to perimenopause and beyond.

I help women with common symptoms of the menopause get back on an even keel and good nutrition helps optimise our vitaility for the next stage of our lives. Here is a summary of my packages:

6 x 1 hour nutritional therapy coaching sessions with email support – £660. My gold standard nutritional therapy coaching package – to help support you through your midlife reset! It includes an initial session where I create a tailored programme for you plus 5 additional nutritional therapy coaching sessions to help you bring about meaningful and sustainable change. My aim is always to help patients find a renewed vitality ready for the next half of your life! It’s all about REALISITIC shifts. You will still be able to function in the real world I promise! The focus is on allowing yourself to make change that benefit you. This is a great option for longterm weight loss and to help reduce the additional often uncomfortable symptoms at peri menopause and beyond.

3 x 1 hour nutritional therapy sessions with email support – £395. I create a tailored programme with food, herbs and supplements specific to your menopause symptoms and unique health needs. Plus 2 x nutritional therapy coaching sessions as above.

1 hour session – £295. This includes a 1hr health check consultation and a tailored programme specific to your unique health needs with email support.

As part of these packages you are also able to do my gentle 14 Day Cleanse. My Cleanse is very much doable in the real world! It is designed to help you widen your food repertoire without being restrictive and faddy. It can help to stop cravings, help combat foggy head, improve skin and hair, rebalance your palate, and can support sustainable weight loss.

Here are some quotes from recent clients: 

“I have stayed off caffeine. It has changed lifelong habits I had acquired and helped to rewire my brain to some extent and identify where I needed to change.” 

“I feel very happy, energetic, calm and motivated. Brain fog is much better too.” 

“The good news is that 7lbs have disappeared!”

For more information email me at [email protected] or you can book a 15 minute free of charge exploratory call or your first appointment here.