
Welcome to your 28 Day Reset

Dealing with stubborn weight gain? Tired of dieting? Want to feel more in control of cravings? Don’t know where to start? The Reset will discuss why we need to approach weight loss differently at menopause, what the barriers are and how we can start working with our body rather than battling against it.

Menopause is hard enough. Our relationship with food shouldn’t be.

The Reset is designed to give you more energy, to help you sleep better and feel less anxious and to help you feel more in control of cravings. Weight loss especially around the middle, is a nice side effect. Learn how to break the dieting cycle with sustainable change without feeling like you are going without (or any sense of guilt either!)

Includes a special 2 hour webinar on 22 January at 7pm (UK time) with Q&A plus 3 x 1 hour small group coaching sessions (on 29th Jan, 5th and 12th Feb at 7pm UK time) over 28 days to help you make sustainable changes without the need to diet. Plus helpful downloads including a food diary, recipes and breakfast ideas. And a How to shift weight around the middle pre-recorded session to view before the course starts.

All sessions will be recorded for you to refer back to again and again. There is also access to the Reset Forum to ask me questions and share ideas and inspiration with your fellow Reseters along the way.

It’s just £75 and can be paid in 3 installments. Just click on the link here to book your spot.